TN - Tech News


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Health problems from computer use

Young people increasingly have problems with pain in the back, neck and shoulder, because of excessive residence sitting at the computer, especially also because of the work with the laptop.
Scientists from Boston University, through research, have shown that 50 percent of students suffer from pain related to computer use. Every seventh student complained that feels pain only after an hour that passes in front of the PC.
The main cause of these pains, according to experts, is that users of personal computers and laptops, first of all, do not hold the proper position during operation.
Experts recommend that computer work is better to use "rat" than "touchpad" (work with fingers), because the latter can cause pressure on the joints of the hands and arms. They say that the mouse should be at elbow level and not far from the computer.
Also, the screens often placed too low, therefore the user must bow before and it causes pain in the back and neck.
Therefore, experts say, it is good during the day, occasionally, extended neck and joints. On the other hand, the scientists say that people who deal with physical activity are much less pain-related problems as a result of using computers.



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