When Facebook announced it would buy Instagram for $ 1 billion in 2012, the photo sharing app was downloaded by more than 30 million users. Two and a half years later, as it also was announced Trademarks | application counts 300 million active users.
This detail was revealed in Instagram blog, along with an additional notice stating that the application would provide verification symbols profiles of celebrities, football stars and brands.
These data show us clearly that Instagram is already bigger than Twitter for the number of social network users tweets where only counts 285 million active users of Instagram users share 70 million photos and videos every day. Instagram lags behind Facebook Messenger (500 million users), WhatsApp (600 million users) and Facebook (1.1 billion users). In July, Facebook executive revealed that 70% of Instagram users already spend 21 minutes a day browsing within the application. Instagram iPhone arrived in October 2010 before the debut on Android in April 2012. This led to a rapid growth proved by the number of 100 million active users in February 2013. In March this year, the social network of distribution Photo of reached 200 million users. It took only nine months to push these numbers to 300 million users.
70% of users live outside the US. The new symbol verification is thought to be implemented similar to those symbols that we have seen on Facebook and Twitter. These symbols will verify the authenticity of profiles and public figures help users avoid false profile.
Instagram has tried to make money by selling ads, where the first of their kind appeared at the end of last year in the US and now in Britain in September of this year.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
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» The rapid growth of Instagram: 70 million users share photos and videos every day
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