Working in HTML should have only two things in mind:
1. Opening <html>
2. The closing </ html>
So as the new closing Vem defined code slash (/), thus opening <html> and closing </ html>. Also we must be careful that the codes to connect well with each other, otherwise we will open us more problems during encoding. The exact appearance of labels is:
——> <etiketa 1>
| ——> <etiketa 2>
| | ——> <etiketa 3>
| | |
| | ——> </etiketa 3>
| ——> </etiketa 2>
——> </etiketa 1>
Instead, wrong presentation is:
———> <etiketa 1>
Instead, wrong presentation is:
———> <etiketa 1>
| | ———> <etiketa 2>
| |
| |
———> </etiketa 1>
| ———> </etiketa 2>
So we have to do as much attention to the placement of labels, as in Figure No. 1. Then without wasting time together let us see what are these codes: 1. <! DOCTYPE> - is the initial disclosure for each document.
2. <html> </ html> - this indicates that the content of the document was written in the language HTML.
3. <head> </ head> - defines an area of the document in which the title of the document usually written.
4. <body> </ body> - this tag determines the area of the body of the document, then its content, graphics, links, etc.
5. <ol> </ ol> - is for sorted lists (lists Ordered-ol).
6. <ul> </ ul> - is for unordered lists (lists Unordered-ul).
7. <title> </ title> - it defines the document title, and placed on the labels <head> </ head>.
8. <b> </ b> - This tag is used for emphasis (bold)
9. <i> </ i> - This tag is used to pjerrezim, (italics).
10. <u> </ u> - used for underlining of the word or delve (underlined).
11. <font size = + 1 color = red> A </ font> - This tag is used to size and color of the word or clause. So, tags <font size = + 1> defines the size, while labels <color = red> color sets.
12. <img src = "picture.gif"> - with this label can add a photo, image or picture in the document. So, <img> means IMAGINE and <src> SEARCH means, States is <img src> which means SEARCH IMAGINE.
13. <body background = "background.jpg"> - This tag is used to set a picture or an image of the document background.
14. <a href="index.html"> Home </a> - this antribut tells the browser to the connection. Labels containing antributin <a> with the filename of the web to which we want to connect. This tag is associated with HREF antributin which means "Hypertext Reference".
15. <h1> </ h1> - defines the size.
16. <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "mystyle.css" /> - with this label unite HTML and CSS externally, external style sheet (outside)
17. <style type = "text / css"> </ style> - defines web design internally, interal style sheet (internal).
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